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Single Dispatch

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Example from 1 languages: Common Lisp
; (defclass Person () ()) (defmethod frobnicate ((p Person) record spreadsheet) (format t "~a ~a ~a~&" (type-of p) (type-of record) (type-of spreadsheet))) (defclass Asteroid () ()) (defmethod frobnicate ((a Asteroid) velocity size) ; do stuff ) ; At runtime these 2 would be routed to respective methods: (frobnicate a-person his-record big-spreadsheet) (frobnicate an-asteroid very-fast pretty-small)
Example from 1 languages: Speedie
|| x = "str" || i = x.find("t")

Languages with Single Dispatch include JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, Swift, Elixir, Objective-C, Common Lisp, Speedie


Languages without Single Dispatch include progsbase


View all concepts with or missing a hasSingleDispatch measurement


Read more about Single Dispatch on the web: 1.

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