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Example from 1 languages: JavaScript
"use strict"; "use asm";
Example from 1 languages: C
#include <stdio.h> #define height 10 #ifdef #endif #if #else #ifndef #undef #pragma
Example from 1 languages: Python
from __future__ import feature # coding=<encoding name>
Example from 1 languages: Perl
# In Perl, the keyword "use", which imports modules, can also be used to specify directives, such as use strict; or use utf8; use utf8;
Example from 1 languages: Ruby
coding: UTF-8
Example from 1 languages: C#
#define MAX_CLIENTS 200 int array[MAX_CLIENTS]; #if PRODUCTION //code #elif DEVELOPMENT //code #else //code #endif
Example from 1 languages: Rust
// A conditionally-compiled module #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] mod bar { /* ... */ } // General metadata applied to the enclosing module or crate. #![crate_type = "lib"] // A function marked as a unit test #[test] fn test_foo() { /* ... */ } // A lint attribute used to suppress a warning/error #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] type int8_t = i8; // Inner attribute applies to the entire function. fn some_unused_variables() { #![allow(unused_variables)] let x = (); let y = (); let z = (); }
Example from 1 languages: Haskell
{-# INLINE foo #-}
Example from 1 languages: Erlang
-define(TIMEOUT, 200). ... call(Request) -> server:call(refserver, Request, ?TIMEOUT). -undef(Macro).
Example from 1 languages: Visual Basic
Option Explicit On|Off Option Compare Binary
Example from 1 languages: F#
#if VERSION1 let function1 x y = printfn "x: %d y: %d" x y x + 2 * y #else let function1 x y = printfn "x: %d y: %d" x y x - 2*y #endif // Line directives as source maps can be used when compiling to F#: #line 25 "C:\\Projects\\MyProject\\MyProject\\Script1"
Example from 1 languages: nomnoml
#title: filename #zoom: 1 #acyclicer: greedy
Example from 1 languages: Veryl
#[test(test1)] embed (inline) sv{{{ module test1; initial begin assert (0) else $error("error"); end endmodule }}}
Example from 1 languages: ALGOL 68
.PR POINT .PR .PR UPPER .PR .PR RES .PR 'pr' quote 'pr'
Example from 1 languages: Turbo Pascal
// In Turbo Pascal, directives are called significant comments, because in the language grammar they follow the same syntax as comments. // In Turbo Pascal, a significant comment is a comment whose first character is a dollar sign and whose second character is a letter; // for example, the equivalent of C's #include "file" directive is the significant comment: {$I "file"}
Example from 1 languages: FML
# Directives are special lines that have syntax and semantics of their own. Directives all start with a name of the form .foo; new directives may be added by future versions of the language. .import math.constants area = x * math.constants.Pi, ^ 2 .from math.constants import Pi, E area = x sq, * Pi polar = a * [E ^ [b * 0+j1]]

Languages with Directives include JavaScript, C, Python, Perl, Ruby, C#, Rust, Haskell, Erlang, Visual Basic, Ada, F#, Common Lisp, C2, nomnoml, Veryl, ALGOL 68, Jule, Turbo Pascal, FML, ScriptEase


Languages without Directives include C3, Lil, progsbase


View all concepts with or missing a hasDirectives measurement


Read more about Directives on the web: 1.

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