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XQuery is a programming language created in 2007.

#165on PLDB 17Years Old 2kRepos
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XQuery (XML Query) is a query and functional programming language that queries and transforms collections of structured and unstructured data, usually in the form of XML, text and with vendor-specific extensions for other data formats (JSON, binary, etc.). The language is developed by the XML Query working group of the W3C. The work is closely coordinated with the development of XSLT by the XSL Working Group; the two groups share responsibility for XPath, which is a subset of XQuery. Read more on Wikipedia...

Example from hello-world:
let $hello := "Hello World" return $hello
(: Hello World with XQuery :) let $i := "Hello World" return $i
Example from Linguist:
(: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xproc.xqm - core xqm contains entry points, primary eval-step function and control functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) xquery version "3.0" encoding "UTF-8"; module namespace xproc = ""; (: declare namespaces :) declare namespace p=""; declare namespace c=""; declare namespace err=""; (: module imports :) (: import module namespace util = "" at "util1.xqm"; :) import module namespace const = "" at "const.xqm"; import module namespace parse = "" at "parse.xqm"; import module namespace u = "" at "util.xqm"; (: declare options :) declare boundary-space preserve; declare option saxon:output "indent=yes"; (: declare functions :) declare variable $xproc:run-step := xproc:run#6; declare variable $xproc:parse-and-eval := (); declare variable $xproc:declare-step := (); declare variable $xproc:choose := (); declare variable $xproc:try := (); declare variable $xproc:catch := (); declare variable $xproc:group := (); declare variable $xproc:for-each := (); declare variable $xproc:viewport := (); declare variable $xproc:library := (); declare variable $xproc:pipeline := (); declare variable $xproc:variable := (); (: list all declared namespaces :) (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) declare function xproc:enum-namespaces($pipeline){ (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) <namespace name="{$pipeline/@name}">{u:enum-ns(<dummy>{$pipeline}</dummy>)}</namespace> }; (: entry point :) (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) declare function xproc:run($pipeline,$stdin,$dflag,$tflag,$bindings,$options){ (: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) (: STEP I: preprocess :) let $validate := () let $namespaces := xproc:enum-namespaces($pipeline) let $parse := parse:explicit-bindings( parse:AST(parse:explicit-name(parse:explicit-type($pipeline)))) let $ast := element p:declare-step {$parse/@*, parse:pipeline-step-sort( $parse/*, () ) } (: STEP II: eval AST :) let $eval_result := () (: STEP III: serialize and return results :) let $serialized_result := $pipeline return $serialized_result };
Example from Wikipedia:
<html><body> { for $act in doc("hamlet.xml")//ACT let $speakers := distinct-values($act//SPEAKER) return <div> <h1>{ string($act/TITLE) }</h1> <ul> { for $speaker in $speakers return <li>{ $speaker }</li> } </ul> </div> } </body></html>

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Integers ✓
Floats ✓
Strings ✓ "Hello world" "
Comments ✓ (: Hello World with XQuery :)
Case Insensitive Identifiers X
Semantic Indentation X
Line Comments X

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