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Sublime Syntax Test Lang

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Sublime Syntax Test Lang is a grammar language created in 2008.

#3710on PLDB 16Years Old

A language for testing sublime syntax files.

Example from the web:
// SYNTAX TEST "Packages/C/C.sublime-syntax" #pragma once // <- source.c meta.preprocessor.c++ // <- keyword.control.import // foo // ^ source.c comment.line // <- punctuation.definition.comment /* foo */ // ^ source.c comment.block // <- punctuation.definition.comment.begin // ^ punctuation.definition.comment.end #include "stdio.h" // <- meta.preprocessor.include.c++ // ^ meta string punctuation.definition.string.begin // ^ meta string punctuation.definition.string.end int square(int x) // <- storage.type // ^ meta.function // ^ storage.type { return x * x; // ^^^^^^ keyword.control } "Hello, World! // not a comment"; // ^ string.quoted.double // ^ string.quoted.double - comment

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