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Slope, aka SLOum's Programming Environment, is a programming language created in 2021 by Sloum.

#332on PLDB 3Years Old
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A small s-expression based programming language

Example from the web:
; hello world (define greeting "Hello") (display greeting ", world!\n")
Slope Keywords
define set! lambda cond case if for load load-mod load-mod-file usage macro eval apply and or begin begin0 exists coeval

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Conditionals ✓ (if positive? 1 -1)
Zero-based numbering ✓
Switch Statements ✓ (case my-num (5 (display "Five!")) (0 (display "Zero!")) (else (display "Not an option")))
Variadic Functions ✓ (lambda (...) (apply + ...))
Case Sensitivity ✓
File Imports ✓ (load-mod my-module) (load "examples/test.slo")
Garbage Collection ✓
Strings ✓ "hello world" `hello wold` "
canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier ✓ (define yes? #t)
Namespaces ✓ (ns-create 'hello-world) (ns-define 'hello-world 'print (lambda () (display "hello world!\n"))) (hello-world::print)
hasBuiltInRegex ✓ (regex-match? `[0-9]+` "Hello 12345") (regex-replace `Hello, (\w+)!importOnly
Slope - Programming language
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