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Reason is an open source programming language created in 2016.

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Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems

Example from the web:
type schoolPerson = Teacher | Director | Student(string); let greeting = person => switch (person) { | Teacher => "Hey Professor!" | Director => "Hello Director." | Student("Richard") => "Still here Ricky?" | Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey, " ++ anyOtherName ++ "." };
Example from Riju:
print_string("Hello, world!\n");
Example from hello-world:
print_string "Hello World"
Example from Linguist:
type component = {displayName: string}; let module Bar = { let createElement c::c=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Nesting = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Much = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Foo = { let createElement a::a=? b::b=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module One = { let createElement test::test=? foo::foo=? children => { displayName: "test" }; let createElementobvioustypo test::test children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Two = { let createElement foo::foo=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Sibling = { let createElement foo::foo=? (children: list component) => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Test = { let createElement yo::yo=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module So = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Foo2 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Text = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Exp = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Pun = { let createElement intended::intended=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module Namespace = { let module Foo = { let createElement intended::intended=? anotherOptional::x=100 children => { displayName: "test" }; }; }; let module LotsOfArguments = { let createElement argument1::argument1=? argument2::argument2=? argument3::argument3=? argument4::argument4=? argument5::argument5=? argument6::argument6=? children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let div argument1::argument1=? children => { displayName: "test" }; let module List1 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module List2 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let module List3 = { let createElement children => { displayName: "test" }; }; let (/><) a b => a + b; let (><) a b => a + b; let (/>) a b => a + b; let (><\/) a b => a + b; let tag1 = 5 />< 6; let tag2 = 5 >< 7; let tag3 = 5 /> 7; let tag4 = 5 ><\/ 7; let b = 2; let selfClosing = <Foo />; let selfClosing2 = <Foo a=1 b=true />; let selfClosing3 = <Foo a="really long values that should" b="cause the entire thing to wrap" />; let a = <Foo> <Bar c=(fun a => a + 2) /> </Foo>; let a3 = <So> <Much> <Nesting /> </Much> </So>; let a4 = <Sibling> <One test=true foo=b /> <Two foo=b /> </Sibling>; let a5 = <Foo> "testing a string here" </Foo>; let a6 = <Foo2> <Text> "testing a string here" </Text> <Test yo=1 /> <Text> "another string" </Text> <Bar /> <Exp> (2 + 4) </Exp> </Foo2>; let intended = true; let punning = <Pun intended />; let namespace = <Namespace.Foo />; let c = <Foo />; let d = <Foo />; let spaceBefore = <So> <Much> <Nesting /> </Much> </So>; let spaceBefore2 = <So> <Much /> </So>; let siblingNotSpaced = <So> <Much /> <Much /> </So>; let jsxInList = [<Foo />]; let jsxInList2 = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListA = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListB = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListC = [<Foo />]; let jsxInListD = [<Foo />]; let jsxInList3 = [<Foo />, <Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList4 = [<Foo />, <Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList5 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList6 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList7 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let jsxInList8 = [<Foo />, <Foo />]; let testFunc b => b; let jsxInFnCall = testFunc <Foo />; let lotsOfArguments = <LotsOfArguments argument1=1 argument2=2 argument3=3 argument4=4 argument5=5 argument6="test"> <Namespace.Foo /> </LotsOfArguments>; let lowerCase = <div argument1=1 />; let b = 0; let d = 0; /* * Should pun the first example: */ let a = <Foo a> 5 </Foo>; let a = <Foo a=b> 5 </Foo>; let a = <Foo a=b b=d> 5 </Foo>; let a = <Foo a> 0.55 </Foo>; let a = Foo.createElement "" [@JSX]; let ident = <Foo> a </Foo>; let fragment1 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment2 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment3 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment4 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment5 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment6 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment7 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment8 = <> <Foo /> <Foo /> </>; let fragment9 = <> 2 2 2 2 </>; let fragment10 = <> 2.2 3.2 4.6 1.2 </>; let fragment11 = <> "str" </>; let fragment12 = <> (6 + 2) (6 + 2) (6 + 2) </>; let fragment13 = <> fragment11 fragment11 </>; let listOfItems1 = <List1> 1 2 3 4 5 </List1>; let listOfItems2 = <List2> 1.0 2.8 3.8 4.0 5.1 </List2>; let listOfItems3 = <List3> fragment11 fragment11 </List3>; /* * Several sequential simple jsx expressions must be separated with a space. */ let thisIsRight a b => (); let tagOne children => (); let tagTwo children => (); /* thisIsWrong <tagOne /><tagTwo />; */ thisIsRight <tagOne /> <tagTwo />; /* thisIsWrong <tagOne> </tagOne><tagTwo> </tagTwo>; */ thisIsRight <tagOne /> <tagTwo />; let a children => (); let b children => (); let thisIsOkay = <List1> <a /> <b /> <a /> <b /> </List1>; let thisIsAlsoOkay = <List1> <a /> <b /> </List1>; /* Doesn't make any sense, but suppose you defined an infix operator to compare jsx */ <a /> < <b />; <a /> > <b />; <a /> < <b />; <a /> > <b />; let listOfListOfJsx = [<> </>]; let listOfListOfJsx = [<> <Foo /> </>]; let listOfListOfJsx = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </> ]; let listOfListOfJsx = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </>, ...listOfListOfJsx ]; let sameButWithSpaces = [<> </>]; let sameButWithSpaces = [<> <Foo /> </>]; let sameButWithSpaces = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </> ]; let sameButWithSpaces = [ <> <Foo /> </>, <> <Bar /> </>, ...sameButWithSpaces ]; /* * Test named tag right next to an open bracket. */ let listOfJsx = []; let listOfJsx = [<Foo />]; let listOfJsx = [<Foo />, <Bar />]; let listOfJsx = [<Foo />, <Bar />, ...listOfJsx]; let sameButWithSpaces = []; let sameButWithSpaces = [<Foo />]; let sameButWithSpaces = [<Foo />, <Bar />]; let sameButWithSpaces = [ <Foo />, <Bar />, ...sameButWithSpaces ]; /** * Test no conflict with polymorphic variant types. */ type thisType = [ | `Foo | `Bar]; type t 'a = [< thisType] as 'a; let asd = <One test=true foo=2> "a" "b" </One> [@foo]; let asd2 = One.createElementobvioustypo test::false ["a", "b"] [@JSX] [@foo]; let span test::(test: bool) foo::(foo: int) children => 1; let asd = <span test=true foo=2> "a" "b" </span> [@foo]; /* "video" call doesn't end with a list, so the expression isn't converted to JSX */ let video test::(test: bool) children => children; let asd2 = video test::false 10 [@JSX] [@foo]; let div children => 1; ((fun () => div) ()) [] [@JSX]; let myFun () => <> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> </Namespace.Foo> </>; let myFun () => <> </>; let myFun () => <> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200 /> <Namespace.Foo intended=true anotherOptional=200> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> <Foo /> </Namespace.Foo> </>; /** * Children should wrap without forcing attributes to. */ <Foo a=10 b=0> <Bar /> <Bar /> <Bar /> <Bar /> </Foo>; /** * Failing test cases: */ /* let res = <Foo a=10 b=(<Foo a=200 />) > */ /* <Bar /> */ /* </Foo>; */ /* let res = <Foo a=10 b=(<Foo a=200 />) />; */
Reason Keywords
as assert begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external false for fun esfun function functor if in include inherit initializer lazy let switch module pub mutable new nonrec object of open pri rec sig struct then to true try type val virtual when while with

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Binary Literals // 0[bB][01][01_]*
Integers // \d[\d_]*
Floats // -?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?([eE][+\-]?\d[\d_]*)
Hexadecimals // 0[xX][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*
Octals // 0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*
Switch Statements
While Loops
Booleans true false
Strings "Hello world" "
MultiLine Comments /* A comment */ /* */
Print() Debugging print_string
Comments // A comment
Destructuring type person = {name: string, age: int}; let somePerson = {name: "Guy", age: 30}; let {name, age} = somePerson;
Line Comments // A comment //
Case Insensitive Identifiers X
Semantic Indentation X

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