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PicoLisp is a programming language created in 1988 by Alexander Burger.

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PicoLisp is an open source Lisp dialect. It runs on Linux and other POSIX-compliant systems.. Read more on Wikipedia...

Example from Linguist:
# 11dec13abu # (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger (de permute (Lst) (ifn (cdr Lst) (cons Lst) (mapcan '((X) (mapcar '((Y) (cons X Y)) (permute (delete X Lst)) ) ) Lst ) ) ) (de subsets (N Lst) (cond ((=0 N) '(NIL)) ((not Lst)) (T (conc (mapcar '((X) (cons (car Lst) X)) (subsets (dec N) (cdr Lst)) ) (subsets N (cdr Lst)) ) ) ) ) (de shuffle (Lst) (by '(NIL (rand)) sort Lst) ) (de samples (Cnt Lst) (make (until (=0 Cnt) (when (>= Cnt (rand 1 (length Lst))) (link (car Lst)) (dec 'Cnt) ) (pop 'Lst) ) ) ) # Genetic Algorithm (de gen ("Pop" "Cond" "Re" "Mu" "Se") (until ("Cond" "Pop") (for ("P" "Pop" "P" (cdr "P")) (set "P" (maxi "Se" # Selection (make (for ("P" "Pop" "P") (rot "P" (rand 1 (length "P"))) (link # Recombination + Mutation ("Mu" ("Re" (pop '"P") (pop '"P"))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (maxi "Se" "Pop") ) # Alpha-Beta tree search (de game ("Flg" "Cnt" "Moves" "Move" "Cost") (let ("Alpha" '(1000000) "Beta" -1000000) (recur ("Flg" "Cnt" "Alpha" "Beta") (let? "Lst" ("Moves" "Flg") (if (=0 (dec '"Cnt")) (loop ("Move" (caar "Lst")) (setq "*Val" (list ("Cost" "Flg") (car "Lst"))) ("Move" (cdar "Lst")) (T (>= "Beta" (car "*Val")) (cons "Beta" (car "Lst") (cdr "Alpha")) ) (when (> (car "Alpha") (car "*Val")) (setq "Alpha" "*Val") ) (NIL (setq "Lst" (cdr "Lst")) "Alpha") ) (setq "Lst" (sort (mapcar '(("Mov") (prog2 ("Move" (car "Mov")) (cons ("Cost" "Flg") "Mov") ("Move" (cdr "Mov")) ) ) "Lst" ) ) ) (loop ("Move" (cadar "Lst")) (setq "*Val" (if (recurse (not "Flg") "Cnt" (cons (- "Beta")) (- (car "Alpha"))) (cons (- (car @)) (cdar "Lst") (cdr @)) (list (caar "Lst") (cdar "Lst")) ) ) ("Move" (cddar "Lst")) (T (>= "Beta" (car "*Val")) (cons "Beta" (cdar "Lst") (cdr "Alpha")) ) (when (> (car "Alpha") (car "*Val")) (setq "Alpha" "*Val") ) (NIL (setq "Lst" (cdr "Lst")) "Alpha") ) ) ) ) ) ) ### Grids ### (de grid (DX DY FX FY) (let Grid (make (for X DX (link (make (for Y DY (set (link (if (> DX 26) (box) (intern (pack (char (+ X 96)) Y)) ) ) (cons (cons) (cons)) ) ) ) ) ) ) (let West (and FX (last Grid)) (for (Lst Grid Lst) (let (Col (pop 'Lst) East (or (car Lst) (and FX (car Grid))) South (and FY (last Col)) ) (for (L Col L) (with (pop 'L) (set (: 0 1) (pop 'West)) # west (con (: 0 1) (pop 'East)) # east (set (: 0 -1) South) # south (con (: 0 -1) # north (or (car L) (and FY (car Col))) ) (setq South This) ) ) (setq West Col) ) ) ) Grid ) ) (de west (This) (: 0 1 1) ) (de east (This) (: 0 1 -1) ) (de south (This) (: 0 -1 1) ) (de north (This) (: 0 -1 -1) ) (de disp ("Grid" "How" "Fun" "X" "Y" "DX" "DY") (setq "Grid" (if "X" (mapcar '((L) (flip (head "DY" (nth L "Y")))) (head "DX" (nth "Grid" "X")) ) (mapcar reverse "Grid") ) ) (let (N (+ (length (cdar "Grid")) (or "Y" 1)) Sp (length N)) ("border" north) (while (caar "Grid") (prin " " (align Sp N) " " (and "How" (if (and (nT "How") (west (caar "Grid"))) " " '|)) ) (for L "Grid" (prin ("Fun" (car L)) (and "How" (if (and (nT "How") (east (car L))) " " '|)) ) ) (prinl) ("border" south) (map pop "Grid") (dec 'N) ) (unless (> (default "X" 1) 26) (space (inc Sp)) (for @ "Grid" (prin " " (and "How" " ") (char (+ 96 "X"))) (T (> (inc '"X") 26)) ) (prinl) ) ) ) (de "border" (Dir) (when "How" (space Sp) (prin " +") (for L "Grid" (prin (if (and (nT "How") (Dir (car L))) " +" "---+")) ) (prinl) ) )

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Line Comments # A comment #
Semantic Indentation X

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