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DAP FORTRAN is a programming language created in 1975.

#2690on PLDB 49Years Old

DAP FORTRAN was an extension of the non IO parts of FORTRAN with constructs that supported parallel computing for the ICL Distributed Array Processor (DAP). The DAP had a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture with 64x64 single bit processors. DAP FORTRAN had the following major features: It had matrix and vector operations. Read more on Wikipedia...

Example from Wikipedia:
C Multiply vector by matrix REAL M(,), V(), R() R = SUM(M*MATR(A)) C Converge to a Laplace potential in an area REAL P(,), OLD_P(,) LOGICAL INSIDE(,) DO 1 K = 1, ITERATIONS OLD_P = P P(INSIDE) = 0.25*(P(,+)+P(,-)+P(+,)+P(-,)) IF (MAX(ABS(P-OLD_P)) .LT. EPS) RETURN 1 CONTINUE

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