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Angelscript is a programming language created in 2003 by Andreas Jönsson.

#592on PLDB 21Years Old 1kRepos
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AngelScript is a game-oriented interpreted compiled scripting language. AngelScript features static typing, object handles (similar to C++ pointers but garbage collected via reference counting), object-orientation, single inheritance, multiple inheritance with interfaces. Allows operators to be registered and overloaded. Read more on Wikipedia...

Example from hello-world:
void main() { print("Hello World\n"); }
// Hello world in AngelScript void main() { print("Hello world\n"); }
Example from Linguist:
/* * This is a sample script. */ #include "BotManagerInterface.acs" BotManager::BotManager g_BotManager( @CreateDumbBot ); CConCommand@ m_pAddBot; void PluginInit() { g_BotManager.PluginInit(); @m_pAddBot = @CConCommand( "addbot", "Adds a new bot with the given name", @AddBotCallback ); } void AddBotCallback( const CCommand@ args ) { if( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { g_Game.AlertMessage( at_console, "Usage: addbot <name>" ); return; } BotManager::BaseBot@ pBot = g_BotManager.CreateBot( args[ 1 ] ); if( pBot !is null ) { g_Game.AlertMessage( at_console, "Created bot " + args[ 1 ] + "\n" ); } else { g_Game.AlertMessage( at_console, "Could not create bot\n" ); } } final class DumbBot : BotManager::BaseBot { DumbBot( CBasePlayer@ pPlayer ) { super( pPlayer ); } void Think() { BotManager::BaseBot::Think(); // If the bot is dead and can be respawned, send a button press if( Player.pev.deadflag >= DEAD_RESPAWNABLE ) { Player.pev.button |= IN_ATTACK; } else Player.pev.button &= ~IN_ATTACK; KeyValueBuffer@ pInfoBuffer = g_EngineFuncs.GetInfoKeyBuffer( Player.edict() ); pInfoBuffer.SetValue( "topcolor", Math.RandomLong( 0, 255 ) ); pInfoBuffer.SetValue( "bottomcolor", Math.RandomLong( 0, 255 ) ); if( Math.RandomLong( 0, 100 ) > 10 ) Player.pev.button |= IN_ATTACK; else Player.pev.button &= ~IN_ATTACK; for( uint uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < 3; ++uiIndex ) { m_vecVelocity[ uiIndex ] = Math.RandomLong( -50, 50 ); } } } BotManager::BaseBot@ CreateDumbBot( CBasePlayer@ pPlayer ) { return @DumbBot( pPlayer ); }
Angelscript Keywords
and abstract* auto bool break case cast class const continue default do double else enum false final* float for from* funcdef get* if import in inout int interface int8 int16 int32 int64 is mixin namespace not null or out override* private protected return set* shared* super* switch this* true typedef uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 void while xor * ** / % + - <= < >= > ( ) == != ? : = += -= *= /= %= **= ++ -- & , { } ; | ^ ~ << >> >>> &= |= ^= <<= >>= >>>= . && || ! [ ] ^^ @ !is :: 123456789 123.123e123 123.123e123f 0x1234FEDC 0d123987 0o1276 0b1010 'abc' "abc" """heredoc""" _Abc123 // /* */

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Conditionals ✓
Switch Statements ✓
Constants ✓
Classes ✓
While Loops ✓
Booleans ✓ true false
MultiLine Comments ✓ /* A comment */ /* */
Print() Debugging ✓ print
Comments ✓ // A comment
Line Comments ✓ // A comment //
Semantic Indentation X

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